Custom Services


Services catered to your specific needs, timeline, and budget.


1-Hour Just in Time Assistance

You have questions? We’ve got answers!

Whether you want help determining the best visa for you or talk about taxes. Thanks to years of living in Italy and a network of incredible connections, we can answer your questions. These are one hour consultation calls catered to your specific needs.

One hour calls »

Exit Strategy - Your Personalized Move to Italy Plan

This private multi-month service is offered to a limited number of people by application only. Designed to help you with your specific move to Italy needs - from processing your visa application to understanding the tax implications of your move.

Your Exit Strategy »

Start a Business in Italy

Do you already have a business and want to bring it to Italy? Or do you want to start a entrepreneurial adventure in Italy? This service can help you ensure that you start off with the right foot by helping you decipher the process and find the right team to met your business needs.

Business in Italy »