Decorating our period Italian home
Photo Credit: Rhianna May
We got professional help decorating our home. It was perhaps the best illogical thing I have ever done in my life.
Why was it illogical?
Because we currently live in a rental property, we knew that we would be moving out sooner rather than later. Hahaha, but this is definitely on an Italian timeline, so to me, “sooner” meant a year off.
Italians can be very territorial. Changing homes and/or locations isn't something done with the ease that Americans do. In fact, 8-year rental contracts are pretty standard in Italy. Curious about that? You can read about that here.
But I digress. Why was it one of the best decisions I’ve ever made?
Photo Credit: Rhianna May
Because redecorating this space, redefined how I interact with my home. I literally walk into and throughout my apartment, and I'm absolutely ecstatic.
I’m satisfied. I’m happy.
I actually want to clean my house!
And keep it clean and tidy!!!
Photo Credit: Rhianna May
Photo Credit: Rhianna May
Granted, we’ve never had a dirty home. We wipe down bathroom surfaces several times a week and do a 4 hour deep clean about once a week. We seldom leave dishes in the sink (thank you, dishwasher!). Etc etc. etc.
But I assure you I never got any joy from doing those tasks.
I was also the person that had a pile of clothes on “that” chair. Lorenzo’s toys were frequently spewed over the floor. And let's not forget the piles of paper that accumulated on the dining room table and the chest of drawers that we keep in the entrance.
So what changed?
Photo Credit: Rhianna May
Now that I have seen how great my home can look (with minimal additional work), I always want to keep it like that.
So ever since getting professional help with the decorating, I’ve been tidying up toys after putting Lorenzo to bed (which only takes a few minutes). And actually putting away the clothes on that chair, and I'm actually enjoying it.
Photo Credit: Rhianna May
Photo Credit: Rhianna May
When I’m done, I look around my home in absolute satisfaction.
My husband is also beyond the moon with this change in me. Having grown up with an Italian mother, any progress that even remotely approaches her level of cleanliness is much appreciated by him. (I could do a separate post just on how she keeps her linen closet.)
But most importantly, I’m happy. I’m extremely happy.
Photo Credit: Rhianna May
I knew redecorating my home would make it prettier. I just didn’t realize it would profoundly affect my disposition and productivity.
Certainly not to this extent.
Throughout this process, a part of me felt that I was being superficial and illogical. (Thus, the intro of this post.) I kept thinking I could be spending my time and money on a gazillion other things. And as a result, I think I subconsciously delayed some of the decisions to be made and prolonged the process. But another part of me, probably my higher self, knew that this was the right move to make.
Now that decorating process is completed, I understand why I had this urge to get this done.
I will be forever grateful to Sara Glenn for helping in this process.
Photo Credit: Rhianna May
Photo Credit: Rhianna May
Photo Credit: Rhianna May
Photo Credit: Rhianna May
I somehow managed to get to this age without having a real sense of my personal home design style. I knew I liked vibrant colors, a nod to my Caribbean heritage; however, I was also distinctly aware that I didn’t want the space to be “overrun" by color.
I also love that super clean white, gray, and beige aesthetic that I see all over the socials. Still, I knew that was too boring for me, even if part of me wanted to keep up with the IG Joneses. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks...
Photo Credit: Rhianna May
Photo Credit: Rhianna May
Sara managed to understand my style, even when I didn't, and helped me translate that into a space that I absolutely adore.
If you're thinking about decorating your home in Milan, Italy, or even internationally (because of the pandemic, she did much of the work online and by phone), I definitely recommend Sara Glenn.
You can visit Sara's website and or catch her on the 'grams at
A home is a place where you and your loved ones should feel welcomed, loved, and well…. At home.
Photo Credit: Rhianna May